Derek Harvey

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What You Hope in Will Define You

Do you ever feel stirred? Maybe in your gut? Or, dare I say, spirit?

Maybe it's the Portland weather. Wet ground, grey skies. I'm ready for some sun.

Maybe it's my own yearning. Longing for what's on the other side of "this." (Is there an "other" side? And what even is "this?")

Or maybe I'm just hungry...that could also be it. I haven't had lunch yet and it's 2pm.

No, no...this is real. This stirring. Longing. Hoping. Waiting.

Do you feel it? Have you ever felt it?

Truth-telling Text Convos

I was having a text conversation with a friend of mine about his beliefs. We went to Bible "school" together. I'm still following Jesus and he's...questioning that there's a god at all.

And I get it. Totally understand that sentiment. I know lots of people in that boat.

What I noticed with him was - the presence of darkness seems to confirm a hunch that there must not be a god. For me? I see the presence of light as proof that there is.

Two sides of the same coin? Maybe. Am I an optimist? Yes.

I was in another text thread with a group of guys from college. One of those guys is up in arms about the possibility of Trump being president for another 4 years. He spoke of how fearful he was.

Fear is an intimidating animal. Don't let it rule you.

I thought to myself, "Self, how can he be so afraid and I'm not afraid at all? Not even a little bit?"

Set aside the fact that I'm a white, middle-class, American-born male for a second. I get that my "status" and day-to-day life isn't really affected by his presidency or decisions. I get it. And I don't want to dismiss it. I know it’s privilege. So forgive me beforehand if my statements bother you.

The difference between me and this friend (also a white, middle-class, American-born male) is he puts way too much hope in government, in my opinion. I don't put my hope in the government at all!

So, where's your hope?

When we lose hope, fear (and it's sibling, anger) can easily take the reigns and start lobbing hate-bombs in every direction.

But all that is just a form of self-protection.

When we put our hope in a group, whether that's Democrat or Republican, evangelical or atheist, ethnic or national, we will fail to realize that that hope will constantly be at risk. Because if our hope is in a group, then that means there are other groups who are also hoping that their group comes out on top.

What an awful way to live – in constant fear of other groups taking advantage of your group. I understand the deep-seated genesis of this fear. Humans are notorious for violating others rights and self-protecting and self-promoting. Just look at history!

Another Way to Live

But, BUT...what if there is another way to live? One full of hope, peace, joy, and light? One that doesn't put hope in a group and thrives in the midst of chaos and confusion?

And if this isn't clear, there is another way. For me, that is the way of Jesus. Love God, love your neighbor.

It's not that hard.

That is, unless, you pledge allegiance to a flag/group/ideology other than love. Then it's really hard...

All you have to do is realize you're not actually in control, that you really are powerless, and all you can do is receive.

Hahahaha! Ah this sounds ridiculous, right? But, it's the upside-down Kingdom.

You want to win? Lose.

You want to be first? Be last.

You want to live? Die!

But you can't do these things if you're constantly trying to self-protect or self-promote.

Coming back to where I started...I feel stirred because I have great hope in something other than this world. I have great joy because my happiness isn't found in anything temporal.

So I ask again, where's your hope? You should ask that every time you're feeling afraid or angry.

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